Dick's Hideaway:
A fine winter afternoon
Dick MacKenzie - www.dickshideaway.com
I spent a long time in the Palace today. It wasn’t a perfect spring afternoon, but for early February it was a nice day to hang around outside.
On the barbeque were some shishkebob baskets with treats of bacon wrapped steak bits and chunks of hot dogs, pineapple, mushrooms. And slow cooking chicken wings.
I marveled, under an extra shirt, winter coat, and heavy boots how mild and long burning my exquisite cigar was performing its concert as I supervised the cooking. If this couldn’t be the middle of summer it was the next best thing.
Eventually I realized my cigar was so mild and lasting so long was because the fire had long ago extinguished itself and I was sucking wind and blowing steam.
So much for my aficionado pretense. But it was a great afternoon anyway, and supper was wonderful.